Now here is another you may have already heard about, but back in 2004 a pet black widow killed its owner Mark Voegel. On February 27th 2004 an article came out on thesun.co.uk about a pet black widow killing its owner now most of us if not all of us know that black widows venom is a neurotoxin so if you are bitten you have a chance of being screwed. But anyhow he was bitten by his pet oh right and then he died on the couch where all of his pet lizards, snakes, insect, etc ate him. they found him dead after being alerted of a smell the neighbors smelled but he had a spider woven web over him with him with Bettina his Black Widow along with around 200 other animals ranging from snakes, to lizards, to insects, along with many large very known snakes and a lizard named helmut and thousands of termites.They're really isn't much more to it.
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