District 9 was a fantasmic Movie. The movie was about this Alien race who got stranded on earth in the mother ship which was floating above the city of Johannesburg. For quite a while the mother ship was untouched until the government cut they're way into this ship that was hovering many miles above earths surface. Now when the government gets in they finally come across millions of this insect-like race. So because of how many of these aliens there were they had to put them in a part of the city that wasn't occupied and that was District 9. But when they go to evict all the aliens from District 9 an alien was killed, this one in particular was a partner to another alien and those two were trying to collect enough of this fluid that was never named and it wasn't ever told what it was but at one point a little alien child was explaining how it worked when he wasn't supposed to and he said you had to insert the fuel then away they fly so I'm guessing it was fuel. But after the alien was killed the main character Wekus i believe was how it was spelled but anyway he went into the shack he was living in because they all got shacks and lived in the slums but he found this silver canister that had the believed-to-be fuel and accidentally sprayed some on him. Now this is the part that makes me think it wasn't fuel and that was that it was recreating his DNA into the Aliens DNA but honestly i may be wrong because they're weapons required the holder to have alien DNA but this is what most of the movie is ACTUALLY about. So from there it really was that they were gonna kill him for the answer to how he could use the Alien weaponry so he escapes with his new superhuman strength, and goes to District 9 where he runs into the aliens partner. The human and alien make a deal that if he can get the canister that started to mutate him then the alien (who's name is Christopher) would return his species to they're planet then return him to normal which is where it starts to go wrong cause around that time the government found out he was hiding out in district 9 so the government comes in to get him but ends up having and alien slaughter fest, they capture Chris, and by the end Chris leaves, and when Wekus was going to die i think it was that they either excepted him as one of them or he generated something from his mutation that the others recognized but they helped him. That was the movie.
Ideas behind it
Greed-> this was the main problem in the story because they confiscated all these weapons to use them in wars so when they found out this human could use them they had to know so they could use them but in doing so harming others.
Racism-> this one isn't as big as i thought it would be but it was really a side effect of the greed but they were treating them like crap the whole time.
Other lessons were taught but they're isn't a single word for.
Some of these lessons were ones like don't trust someone increasingly which was taught when Chris put his faith in Wekus and told him he would have to wait 3 years for him to be fixed so Wekus knocked him out and took his personal ship to the mother ship but failed to do so. But that is all i have to say my overall thoughts on the movie is that it was absolutely my favorite movie.
I loved this movie! yeah buddy you are right on the above points and the main focus of the movie premise is that greed will drive people to do horrible things, and racism was a theme but I think that it was best described in the fact that Wekus was incredibly racist ... he may have been kinda meek but racist all the same. He feared pretty much everything but he wanted his promotion so much that he did the job he was given and tried to overcome his fear to better his life and the life of the woman he truly loved!
ReplyDeleteWekus' racism was in that he did not understand the potential of the Aliens. He assumed that they were just violent and savage. Now when he becomes infected by the mutagenic fuel thingy, he starts to become what he feared and did not understand. This I think speaks to the mode that some people who assume that people of other ethnicities that are poor and down trodden are that way cause of their ethnicity ... when in actuality the crime that that is often in that environment has nothing to do with there ethnicity but just that they are repressed, and dejected. A person who has something and looses it can fall into the same things when they start to feel the same way cause they have nothing. Wekus fights to hold onto his old life, and is selfish ... till the end when he realizes that in order to do the greater good he has to sacrifice himself to free the people that he are rapidly becoming his people.
Oh and the Fuel ... the technology was based on the bio-signature of the aliens. Thus they were collecting the stuff from their devices that allowed this interface which could be transformed into the fuel for the ship. but since it was ... and I am guessing here ... highly unstable genetic material, it was mutating Wekus.
ReplyDeleteI know i know