Ok for this post I'm going to break it up into sections more specifically the following
P.S. All of these are part the Theory or what was written, or other background info you know the good stuff
Quarks:Once believed to be the basic Building blocks of matter but are made up of many things.(DID YOU KNOW?:Atoms are used for Nuclear Fission and Nuclear Fusion)Atoms were found to be made up of other things by Johnstone Stoney who discovered that atoms were made up of some smaller thing with an electrical charge which he named Electrons.
Quarks:Found in the 1960's by Murray Gellman and George Zweig and the experiment was an electron being shot at neutrons and protons and they broke into smaller parts. Quarks come in three 'colours' red, blue, and green and like proton's and electron's electric charge, Quarks have 'Colour charge', colour charges have nothing to do with light bouncing off objects into your eyes to let you see the color of objects, it's scientists being creative and making a name for the bizarre property quarks have. Quark's colour charges produce a force called Gluon, which gets stronger the farther they are. Gluon is used to help quarks survive since they can't survive alone they must be together with three different types which are I quote from the book I'm using "Colour neutral overall (exhibiting no colour charge). Possibilities include threesomes called Baryons,('Bary' means heavy)including normal protons and neutrons or quark-antiquark pairs (called Mesons)". Quarks also come in 6 types or 'Flavours' or 3 pairs which are listed lightest to heaviest below:
up & down
Strange & charm
Top & bottom
now up, top and charm quarks have a light positive electrical charge and the others have a light negative electrical charge therefore three of any combo of up,top or charm quarks make up a single proton, and any three combo of bottom, down or strange quarks make a single electron if I'm correct.
Leptons: Are a lot like electrons,they're are Muons which are 200 times heavier then a electron and tuos which are 3700 times heavier. Both have only 1 negative charge, but electrons are part of this group too. Leptons are also associated with neutrinos, which have almost no mass at all and can pass through about anything without any problems.