This I'm doing Nuclear Fission which if I am correct is half of Fusion and we can handle because Fusion just doesn't want to in our fricken thermoses (hahaha). Ok all jokes aside fission can be pretty scary if you think about I mean 1 nuclear reactor wiped out Chernobyl and the surrounding cities and I'm pretty sure that was about 2-3 cities total. Fission also made possible the production of two nuclear bombs the Fat Man (large bomb) and the Little Boy (smaller bomb)and those were used on two cities in Japan. Now most people think of this when they think of nuclear fission but fission has a history like for instance Léo Szilárd made the first nuclear chain reaction underneath the Chicago football field and the first successful atom-splitting experiment didn't use uranium and it used more energy then it made. But later Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann did a experiment that was shooting neutrons into Uranium and was hoped to make a new, heavier element and they found that much lighter elements some half the mass of uranium were given off, as if the nucleus sheared in half when bombarded with the smaller particles that were less then half its mass.
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